Aquatic Invader: European Green Crab
The European Green Crab and our Beach Hero Program highlighted in the Peace Arch News
Celebrate Boundary Bay, a Special Place - Canada's top-rated Important Bird Area of 600 sites and a Hemisphere Reserve. As a major stopover on the Pacific Flyway, this amazing area features habitats of eelgrass beds, mudflats, estuaries, salt marshes, bogs and watercourses which support more than 333 species of birds, some rare and endangered. Get to know more - join with Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society and partners to explore habitats, see the birds and local wildlife, sketch and photograph and enjoy special events and participate with caring people to make a difference.
Dress for the weather
Comfortable walking or hiking shoes
Binoculars and a field guide
Sunnyside Acres Urban Forest Eco-Walks
Earth Day – Sunday, April 22 (Events will take place around this date locally.)
Earth Day Celebrations – April 19 to 26– Check your city or municipality for local events
International Migratory Bird Day – May 3-10 (Events will take place around this date locally.)
Shorekeepers’ Training Weekend
International Day for Biological Diversity (theme Islands and Biodiversity)
World Ocean Day
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